Nancy Madenyika, LCSW


Hey there!

My name is Nancy and I provide virtual therapy. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in North Carolina and I love hearing people’s stories and helping them on a journey to a life they love.

A tad bit about me; I earned my Bachelor of Science in Social Work from Western Carolina University and my Master of Social Work from North Carolina Central University. I grew up in the Bull City and I was born in Zimbabwe.

My extensive work with family systems helped me to develop my niche and passion of working with women that have a desire to do, be and feel better. These women are usually already boardroom badasses, supermoms or from the outside looking in, thriving. BUT, they will often share that the way others see them is not how they truly feel. Circumstances have knocked them back and they are having a hard time seeing their value. Early life issues keep creeping up in relationships and impacting their motivation to get healthy, read that book, reach out to friends or pursue professional development. Some say they just feel like crap but don’t know why. All of these internal battles are valid and often interfere with reaching the level of genuine purpose and clarity desired. The negative stories and belief systems that are created start to feel like reality; sometimes for years; “I am unsuccessful. I am not worth loving. I am unhappy…”

 I have then seen these same women decide they want a change. They want to create new realities and they dig deep and do the work. The end result? They stop looking for that closure, they demand what they deserve at work, their relationships become balanced and fulfilling and they learn the power they have over their own lives. I am a believer that you can restore hope to almost any situation that is deserving of your energy. That is the vision behind Restoring Hope Together, PLLC.

Let’s schedule a time to talk and you can tell me what you’re looking for and ask me questions to decide if I’m a good fit for you. I can’t wait to meet you!


Women’s issues

Children & Adolescents

Relationship issues


School setting

Clinical settings


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) 

Acceptance and Commitment (ACT)

Motivational Interviewing

Structural Family Therapy  

Strengths Based

My Style






A little bit funny